Ffmpeg crop filter variables
Ffmpeg crop filter variables

ZM would unaware that you had tampered with the stream.This article is from:, please specify.As I do not regularly collate related blog posts, I will make improvements to the corresponding content.It is therefore strongly recommended that this article be viewed from its original source. I don't know if that would help your situation or not, but I recall having to do something similar before when something wouldn't play niceĪlternatively, maybe you could look at using something like ffserver to create a second virtual camera from your real camera, so: taking the stream from the camera into ffmpeg yourself, processing it, then making the output available via ffserver so that ZM can see it. If you want another way to force parameters into ffmpeg, you could try creating a shell script, called "myffmpeg" which exists only to call the real ffmpeg, forcing in your parameters, and then passing on "everything else" from ZM - then tell ZM the path to your fake ffmpeg. Or did you intend to cut a 640x480 box out of the source video, positioned 1000 across and 740 down. Is that really what you meant? It's an unusual video size and aspect ratio, hence my question.

ffmpeg crop filter variables

Your command line seems to cut a 1000x740 box out of the source video, positioned 640 along and 480 down. Sabretoothedhamster wrote: ↑ Mon 10:56 am

ffmpeg crop filter variables ffmpeg crop filter variables

I do have zm 1.34.15 running on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTSĥM RTSP camera configured as ffmpeg/modect source using rtsp:// URL, TCP stream and x264 Encode video writer. I even tried to put my custom script into Options->Images->PATH_FFMPEG to dump real option strings passed to ffmpeg by zm, and run snoopy in background to trace every process run in the system, but found that zoneminder ignores that PATH_FFMPEG options and does not run ffmpeg process at all(!).Ĭould anyone give me a hint how can i crop the source video stream (before processing by zm)? The ffmpeg binary itself takes option like '-filter:v crop=1000:740:640:480' perfectly. Yet I feel that with wider availability of cheap highres cameras (without variable zoom optics) such an option could be really helpful. May I draw your attention to a topic from the past: viewtopic.php?p=101031 ? My attempt to google the theme resulted in a conclusion that it raised several times but had not been solved.

Ffmpeg crop filter variables